Use the options below to:
- Make a gift to a specific fund - pledge, collection plate, etc. (click/tap the line under the amount to change)
- Make a recurring gift
- Give via bank account, bank/credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay
- Set a future date for the gift
You'll receive a confirmation for each gift or recurring change that you submit.
Recurring Gift = Sustainer
As a Sustainer, your consistent support provides ongoing assurance in the delivery of programming for the coming years.
Already a Sustainer? Consider increasing your gift!
- Bank-level security
- Account updates and verfication through Stripe (a large, very secure payment processor) - no credentials or access are stored
- Payment options: checking account, savings account, credit/debit card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express), Apple Pay, Google Pay
- Schedule your gifts
- Set up recurring gifts to become a sustainer
- Change and add payment methods easily
- Receive confirmation for each gift or recurring change
Questions and Answers
Your giving information (payment methods, recurring gifts) are stored in
Go to (Hint: you can get emailed a link to sign in.)
Your giving records are consolidated in myERUUF. Sign into myERUUF to view your giving records.
How do I start a scheduled (recurring) gift?
Video: Create a recurring gift
- Click/tap the Give button above.
- Enter the amount you want for a single gift.
- Click/tap the button below the amount that matches how often you'd like to give. (The form defaults to One Time.)
- Optional: choose a different starting day to start the gift in the future. (It defaults to today's date.)
- Enter your contact information.
- Click the Continue button.
- Enter your information and click the Give $___ button that states the amount you're giving.
You will receive a confirmation of your setup. The email confirmation contain a link to update your recurring gift. Your gift settings will be stored in myERUUF.
How do I view my giving?
All your giving information is stored in myERUUF.
- Go to the myERUUF page.
- Click/tap on Sign in button.
- Sign in. If you do not think you have a myERUUF account, please use the Create Account link below the sign in form.
- Click on the My Profile option in the blue menu (tap on blue menu on small screens to view)
- Click on the Giving in the left sidebar (large screens) or gray dropdown menu (small screens).
- Set the dates if you do not see the time window of giving that you want.
How do I adjust scheduled or recurring gifts?
You can change the following with your recurring gifts:
- adjust the amount
- adjust the frequency
- change the recurring date
- pause the gift until a certain date (this is called the Skip until date)
- Sign into (button below).
- Click/tap on the Recurring button in the top menu.
- Locate the recurring gift you want to change. It will list the payment under the amount.
- Click/tap the pencil icon to edit the gift.
- Change
- Choose the starting date of the next gift occurrence. (The field is below the row of buttons that start with One Time.)
- Click the Give ___ button and confirm.
Go to (Hint: you can get emailed a link to sign in.)
How do I change or add payment methods (bank accounts, credit cards)?
If you do not have a recurring gift, just use your new payment method with your new gift.
For recurring gifts:
You need to delete and the recreate the gift with the new payment method.
- Sign into (button below).
- Click/tap on the Recurring button in the top menu.
- Locate the recurring gift you want to change. It will list the payment under the amount.
- Delete it by clicking/tapping the trash can to the right of the gift.
- Click the Set up Recurring Gift button at the bottom.
- Enter the info including your new payment method.
- Choose the starting date of the next gift occurrence. (The field is below the row of buttons that start with One Time.)
- Click the Give ___ button and confirm.
Go to (Hint: you can get emailed a link to sign in.)
Other Questions
How do I maximize my gift to ERUUF?
Please use a bank account as your payment method. You can also choose to cover the fees. Thank you.
More Questions?