Group Description:

The Refugee and Immigrant Action Group provides engagement opportunities for ERUUFians to build relationships with refugees and immigrants in our community, and to make our voices heard in support of these new neighbors. Involvement can be one-time or ongoing and may include sharing a meal, helping with childcare or food at a class for immigrants, donating household items for new arrivals, or advocating on behalf of refugee and immigrant rights.

Our vigorous advocacy on behalf of immigrants is vital, especially now, when worldwide humanitarian needs are at crisis levels. We show up when our Latinx partners at Siembra need our support. We have formed teams to support an individual refugee and to welcome new arrivals from Afghanistan. We are exploring a delegation to El Salvador with UUCSJ. We work to send and amplify messages of support to elected leaders on the local, state, and federal levels, and share opportunities to learn more about the issues and realities, through presentations, panel discussions, and other events. We welcome new ideas and activities. 

This Justice Action Group works in close partnership with local organizations involved in refugee resettlement and immigrant support, and with other congregations engaged in similar work. We are founding partners in the Triangle Interfaith Advocates for Refugees and Immigrants (TIARI),  which works to build support for and advocate for refugees and immigrants. We are long-standing partners with CWS-RDU, the local refugee resettlement agency.  We collaborate with several other local organizations and congregations:

Overarching Goals:

  • To contribute to the Justice Ministry's goal of diversity and inclusion through expanding Beloved Community to include newly arrived refugees and immigrants in the Triangle area.
  • To put into context the current refugee crisis in order to intelligently advocate for these vulnerable populations.
  • To make our voices heard for justice for immigrants and refugees.

Refugee Action GroupOur action group welcomes everyone interested in supporting immigrants and refugees, whatever level of involvement they prefer.  We will help you find a way to make your voice heard by writing a postcard to your elected representatives, including you in a potluck with refugees, or we can help you connect with a local group that can use your skills as a volunteer. Please contact one of the co-leaders to see how you can be part of our work together.

Leader(s): Peggy Schaeffer, Dennis McGrath. Email them at




Contact Person: Peggy Schaeffer, Dennis McGrath
Role: co-chairs
Staff Partner: Kaleb Graves, Justice Coordinator

The Details

Contact Person: Peggy Schaeffer, Dennis McGrath
Role: co-chairs
Staff Partner: Kaleb Graves, Justice Coordinator