Justice Ministry
About Justice
Helping to create a more just world is integral to the mission of ERUUF and to transforming lives, including our own. Whether you only have an hour here or there or want to get deeply involved in an on-going commitment, your participation in the justice work of ERUUF is welcome and needed. You will find community here to support your values in action, as hundreds of ERUUFians are involved in justice ministry - from baking cookies for meals at the shelter to lobbying our lawmakers for better environmental laws. From marching in Raleigh or D.C. to serving as tutors at El Centro Hispano. There are many ways to be involved. Check out our various justice ministries and activities.
Justice Ministry Council (JMC)
Working Mission Statement: With an eye on our vision for a healed and transformed world, the mission of the ERUUF Justice Ministry is to live our UU Principles by focusing our energy and resources on key projects that make significant contributions to a more just, equitable, democratic, and sustainable world in and through the love, spirit, service, and actions of our members.
Read more: Justice Ministry Council (JMC)
- Contact Person: Denise Frizzell
- Role: Moderator
- Email:
- Staff Partner: Kaleb Graves, Justice Coordinator
Our Vision
VISION STATEMENT - The ERUUF Justice Ministry envisions a world healed and transformed in which social, economic, and environmental justice are universal.
Our vision of a Justice Ministry is at once a spiritual and a practical journey. It calls us to deepen our understanding of our personal core beliefs about our human relationships and our earth. The wellspring that feeds our practical journey is love and not anger; group dedication and action as well as isolated individual effort; and courage to be present and to speak truth to power and not fear reprisal or defeat. Through our actions in support of each other as a faith community and our service to others, our lives and those whom we touch are changed. See Inspired Faith, Effective Action at ERUUF for more information about how the vision for our Justice Ministry came about.
Justice is Faith-Based
Two of our Unitarian Universalist Principles explicitly mention "justice": the second, we "affirm and promote justice, equity and compassion in human relations" and the sixth, we "affirm and promote the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all." These are based on the first principle, "we ... covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person."
This commitment to justice is reflected in our mission, "The mission of the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is to transform lives by building a free and inclusive covenantal religious community of spirit, service, justice and love."
Dr. Cornel West said, "Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public."