In 2017-18, ERUUF’s Earth Justice Team involved the whole congregation in community engagement sessions, questions on the Pulse Survey, and one-on-one conversations. They used the information to apply for Green Sanctuary (GS) Candidacy from the UUA. A GS Action Plan was developed in this process, and includes twelve projects that will enable the fellowship to significantly move toward sustainability. The largest and most involved project involves adding solar panels to our campus, and a commitment to generate at least 20% of our energy from renewable sources by 2021. The Solar Project could help us achieve this goal in significant ways.
To get started, in 2018 the Coordinating Team charged a new GS Solar Research Project Team (Denise Frizzell, Albert Hardy, Richard Harkrader, Sally Hoyt, Clint McSherry, Peter Romyen, Daniel Trollinger) to collect specific data on ERUUF’s electricity usage data, research and obtain competitive bids from solar contractors, gather information on NC religious institutions with solar installations, research the Duke Energy solar rebate program, and more. The Coordinating Team accepted a final report from the GS Research Project Team in June 2019.
After careful review the ERUUF Board of Trustees recently voted in favor of implementing solar power at ERUUF, and to give the Coordinating Team the green light to move forward. To date, the Foundation has given a significant grant of $10K, and other fellowship members have shared their eagerness to help get this project started. The Coordinating Team has appointed a Solar Project Fundraising Team (Denise Frizzell, Mark Kuhn, Alice Alexander). Among other things this team is charged with finding ways to raise funds for solar power at ERUUF.
And now the Solar Project Fundraising Team is currently working with the Coordinating Team, Board, an Implementation Team and larger congregational community to ensure the process and outcome are in alignment with our UU values, in accord with standing policies and procedures, and to raise the necessary funds for us to GO SOLAR!
For more information about ERUUF’s Green Sanctuary Program, email co-chairs Albert Hardy, and Denise Frizzell,
Watch a video about the Green Sanctuary Program presented by Karen Brammer, manager for the UUA Green Sanctuary Program.