Positive behavior, interaction and participation are the basic principles of a healthy and safe learning environment. Negative behaviors detract from the learning environment we strive to create in the ERUUF Religious Exploration programs and the CARE building. These behaviors include disruptive activities, refusing to positively participate in activities, disrespect of others. No violence in word or deed. No “put downs”, only “pull ups”. No weapons, real or imaginary. No exclusive behavior.

Parent Consent

Note: If more than one parent is involved in your child/youth's upbringing, please convey the following information to them for your child/youth's sake.

* denote the items that pertain to on campus and in-person activities.

  1. I will strive for consistent attendance at the selected time, to demonstrate to my family that our faith community is important.*
  2. I understand that Religious Exploration program at ERUUF is primarily a relational experience requiring commitment in order to build trust and nurture friendships.
  3. I will remain on campus while my children (8th grade and under) are attending RE classes, unless special arrangements have been made with RE staff in advance.*
  4. I will take responsibility for knowing the whereabouts of my children/youth while on campus if they are not participating in an RE program or event.*
  5. I will leave my cell phone on vibrate in the event I need to be contacted.*
  6. I will support the Expectations of Behavior outlined above and discuss with my children and youth. I understand that positive behavior, interaction, and participation are the basic principles of a healthy and safe learning environment.
  7. I will provide timely feedback (both positive and constructive) in order to assess and improve the program.
  8. I understand that our Religious Exploration program is a cooperative model and its success depends on volunteers including me.
  9. I give permission to take and use photos of our children and youth for displays, in-house communication and on the ERUUF website. I understand no names or personal information will be identified.
  10. I agree to read and become familiar with all the pdfSafety and Security Policies and Procedures as they pertain to the Religious Exploration program for children and youth.
  11. In the event my child requires emergency medical attention and I cannot be reached immediately, I give permission for the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship staff, volunteer teachers or youth advisors to authorize medical attention.*
  12. I understand if I have questions around any of these agreements, it is my responsibility to talk with the RE Staff.