Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Pulse of the Congregation Survey
This survey, an annual feedback tool, is being conducted by the Committee for the Evaluation of Ministry (CEM) at the request of the Board of Trustees. We’ve noticed that, typically, only 25% of Members and fewer than 10% of Friends participate in the survey. This year we’re again committed to increasing the level of participation, and this is where we could really use your help.
Once you complete the survey, please tell at least two others within our beloved community that you have taken the survey and encourage them to participate. Become a Pulse Survey ambassador! The Pulse Survey is a critically important source of feedback that is reviewed and acted on by the Sr. Leadership of ERUUF, including the Senior Ministerial Staff and the Board of Trustees. It is also shared with the congregation at the time of the annual meeting.
From the 2023 Pulse Survey:
- A greater desire for spiritual development was seen and additional classes were developed.
- Indicators about increased interest in Children/Youth, as well as RE, resulted in this being added as a Strategic Goal.
- Due to a lack of knowledge about the work of ERUUF’s Justice Ministry, the first Sunday of each month was declared “Justice Sunday,” with a presentation during worship from one of the Justice Action Groups.
From the 2024 Pulse Survey:
- The Board of Trustees used survey results in the development of the Annual Vision of Ministry
- Results (strengths and opportunities) were shared at Rev. Jacqueline’s annual staff planning retreat
- Results provided additional insights into Adult RE Programs
- Results are providing additional focus of the Healthy Congregation Committee
You have been asked from the pulpit to be generous with your time, talent and treasure. These 15 minutes of your time will contribute to the betterment of ERUUF.
Thank you, The Committee for the Evaluation of Ministry Trisha Lester Steve Hall Mark Henault Michael Field
Point your smart device camera at this QR code to take the survey or click here.