Members of the Coordinating Team

  • Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Chair
  • Daniel Trollinger, Executive Minister
  • Nancy Henley, lay member
  • Bonnie LaCroix, lay member

ERUUF's bylaws state that the Coordinating Team shall be comprised of the Lead Minister, who serves as chair, and at least two other staff members and/or lay leaders collaboratively named by the Board and the Lead Minister.  The responsibilities of the Coordinating Team are to:

  • serve as the central hub that coordinates day-to-day administrative activities and ministry programs of the Fellowship, as guided by the Ends Statements and the Strategic Plan.
  • participate collectively in open dialogue with the Board of Trustees as needed to formulate and reach joint understanding of the vision and priorities that guide its work.
  • work collaboratively to establish a clear organizational structure that links staff support and expertise with lay leadership and provides for clear authority and accountability of individuals and committees or ministry teams in the implementation of the plans, programs, and policies of the Fellowship.
  • provide oversight that resolves issues involving gaps in or overlapping areas of responsibility for the operation and ministry of ERUUF.
  • monitor progress toward achieving the vision and plans of the Fellowship and shall regularly communicate their findings to the Board of Trustees as required by Governance Policies.
Contact Person: Rev. Brett
Role: Chair
Staff Partner: Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Lead Minister