The Multicultural Team’s (MCT) role is to envision, research, assess, plan, and lead multicultural, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive programs and trainings at ERUUF. Along with the ministers, staff, and other lay leaders, we hold the vision of Beloved Community for ERUUF and seek to deepen the understanding and reality of our becoming a radically inclusive community. We believe that individual and institutional awareness about racial equity is important for us to be effective in engaging with the larger community outside of ERUUF.
The MCT supports several groups and initiatives reaching towards these goals, as well as planning for Dismanting Racism workshops through the Change Team. We covenant together as a Multi-Cultural Team to:
- support the ERUUF mission of transforming lives by building a free and inclusive covenantal religious community of spirit, service, justice and love,
- be radically inclusive and courageously compassionate as we build the beloved community,
- encourage and promote multiculturalism, racial equity and inclusion, anti-oppression and anti-racism in all aspects of the Fellowship, including worship, arts, religious education, membership, outreach, social justice activities, congregational culture, leadership, staffing, and governance.